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Advanced Acting II: Character Transformation | Spring 24 | Thursdays, 8 Weeks

Advanced Acting II: Character Transformation | Spring 24 | Thursdays, 8 Weeks

$ 240.00

Advanced Acting II: Character Transformation

Thursdays, 7-9:30pm, 8 weeks
April 18th - June 6th

Instructed by Carolina Couto


$445 or 2 installments of $240

Installments due: 5/7 and 6/7


Guided by a seasoned industry veteran, we delve into a variety of approaches to foster authenticity at an elevated level. Engage in dynamic exercises, improvisations, and nuanced scene work to unlock your acting range. Discover new dimensions of emotional intelligence, refined physicality, and masterful vocal work, cultivating profound character development. Embrace the thrill of self-discovery at an advanced artistic level. Join us for an unparalleled journey into the magic of character transformation in this advanced acting course.



In order to remain in good standing and enroll in future advanced level courses, students in Advanced II are required to attend all classes, with a grace of two unexcused/excused absences.

The Advanced class discount for 20% off is not applicable.


Seven Pillars Acting by Sonya Cooke is required of all students taking this course. Purchase the book online.

If you want to do this course and more, opt for one of our Membership Plans to lock in the best value for your training. The more you train, the better you will act. 


Read our Handbook for our full policies:

10/16/23: Update regarding Covid policies at ASOOC:

1) We will NO LONGER be requiring vaccination for any ASOOC students

2) Masks are NO LONGER required in studio classes

Please see full policy below.
As of October 16th, 2023, our masking policy AND our vaccination policy is NO LONGER in effect.

- Students now have the choice whether they would like to attend class without wearing a mask, or if they would like to continue wearing one due to personal choice.

- Vaccine cards will no longer be checked, but we do still encourage vaccination when applicable.
In the case that you become ill or are tested positive for COVID, we would also like to remind you that every class has a Zoom option where you can attend virtually for the day. Please do not hesitate to use that option if you feel that you are sick, if you believe you have been exposed to COVID, or are currently in isolation.

 As always, there are no returns or transfers. Tuition reserves your spot in class; all classes fill up, so this is the only way to confirm your spot. Tuition is non-refundable nor transferrable, as class is a commitment to yourself, your scene partner, your instructor and the collective. 
 If an installment is purchased, a Recurring Authorization Payment Form will be part of the in person paperwork we will need completed. If you sign up over the phone, the form will be sent to you. Complete the form and turn it in before class starts. Without the form, you will not be officially registered in the class and will not be allowed to start your training until you have done so. A $1 charge will be made in order to ensure method of payment is valid. The value will be returned back to the card after the payment goes through. The last payment will be deducted 5/7 and 6/7. 
By opting for Installment Plans, you are making a commitment to pay them as scheduled regardless of absences or attrition; it is a legally binding contract. If such a commitment cannot be made, we recommend paying for the course in full or not enrolling. 
All health related absences will be excused, with or without a doctors note. Our nonrefundable tuition policy will stand; however, if you are unable to complete the course due to illness, we are willing to transfer tuition to another class in the following semester. If you are concerned about attending class in person, we will offer online attendance (via video call.) *This attendance policy is temporary, going into effect as of Winter 2020 semester. This policy is subject to change. 
Excused absences may be made up by attending another similar class within 3 months of the absence. No other make-up arrangements or discounts will be offered.

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